tirsdag den 16. september 2014

Principal rivers of the world.

Principal Rivers of the World

Europe Asia
3680 km
4720 km
Danube 2750 Amur 4670
Don 1790 Yangtse-kiang 4560
Dneiper 1790 Ob 4320
Pechora 1740 Hwang-ho 4130
Dvina 1620 Lena 3985
Rhine 1290 Indus 3160
Elbe 1150 Ganges 2690
Vistula 1040 Euphrates 2590
Loire 990 Amu Daria 2190
Tagus 880
Oder 880
Rhone 805 Mississippi-Missouri 6496
Po 650 Amazon 5680
Shannon 405 St. Lawrence 3790
Thames 345 Parana 3570
Mackenzie 3520
Rio Grande 2785
Nile 5890 Saskatchewan-Nein 2385
Congo 4610 Orinoco 2210
Niger 4135 Columbia 1985
Zambesi 2640 Colorado 1985
Orange 1850
Limpopo 1590
Senegal 1425 Murray 2480

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